Tax Abatement Program

Residential Tax Abatement

Please check with city staff to determine if you are eligible to apply. The tax abatement application deadline is February 1 of each calendar year.

The rehabilitation of and additions to existing residential facilities are also eligible for tax exemption provided the improvements increase the property’s valuation by 10% or more.    

Property owner must apply for the exemption by February 1st of the assessment year. The exemption is first claimed but not later than February 1st of the next assessment year after the assessment year. All improvements included in the project are first assessed for taxation. Please note that because of when the deadlines fall, the fact that property taxes are paid in arrears, and based on when you move into your home, it is possible that you may pay one year of full taxes before your abatement applies. If you have questions in advance, don’t hesitate to contact Dallas County Assessor at (515) 993-5802 and ask someone to help walk you through the timeline.

The deadline for filing tax abatement applications is February 1 each year. For example, if improvements are made during the calendar year 2019, the filing deadline for abatement on those improvements is February 1, 2020. Any application filed after that date would not be processed until the following year. Tenant improvement/buildouts have no impact on the filing deadline but would qualify for abatement, assuming they meet the criteria for commercial abatement. Business Property Tax Credit has no bearing on tax abatement.